We offer affordable same day local delivery within the city of Geelong (West, North, South, East and CBD) and Ballarat with our AM/PM delivery service starting from $8.80 (inc GST).
Our next day service extends to areas including Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Bendigo, Shepparton and Albury districts suburbs. For more information and all other delivery time frames, please check our Quick Quote, relevant Geelong or Ballarat rate card.
You can also contact us at geelong@fastway.com.au for a free freight analysis.
Melbourne, Albury, Bendigo and Sydney
Only inner Geelong, North Geelong, South Geelong, East Geelong, West Geelong
A5, A4, A3, A2satchels up to 5kg
*Conditions apply, prices quoted assume the purchase of prepaid label booklets in minimum quantities.